ICU checklist as per 5th edition NABH/ Audit checklist for ICU as per NABH standard

   Checklist for ICU, PICU, NICU, HDU as per NABH 5th Standard


Quick list:


1.         Initial assessment & reassessment

2.         Admission & discharge criteria

3.         Care plan        

4.         Discharge & discharge Summary

5.         Nursing care according to current standard of practice

6.         Early warning signs

7.         CPR – Assigned roles and responsibilities

8.         Case records – documentation

9.         STANDARD PRECAUTIONS / HAND hygiene

10.      Documentation of hand-over

11.      Infection control         

12.      Physician’s sample drugs

13.      Safe transfer of patients       

14.      Medication orders

15.      Pain management

16.      Medication management

17.      Nutritional assessment         

18.      Narcotics

19.      Blood transfusion      

20.      Restraint policy

21.      Vulnerable patients   

22.      Hazmat

23.      Patient’s right displayed     

24.      Appropriate and adequate Equipment

25.      Patient feedback/experience

26.      Fire safety

27.      Medical gas    

28.      BMW

29.      End of life care

30.      Engineering controls

31.      Credentialing & privileging   

32.      Compressed air purity

33.      Equipment / furniture maintenance

34.      DVT

35.      Quality assurance Program

36.      Pressure ulcer

Checklist with standard name

Quality indicators for ICU as per 5th edition

  1. PSQ 3 a            (1)        :  Time for initial assessment
  2. PSQ 3 a            (4)        :  Incidence of medication errors
  3. PSQ 3 a            (5)        :  Percentage of medication charts with error prone abbreviations
  4. PSQ 3 a            (6)        :  Percentage of admissions with ADRs
  5. PSQ 3 a            (9)        :  Percentage of transfusion reactions
  6. PSQ 3 a            (10)     :  Standardized mortality ratio for ICU 
  7. PSQ 3 b            (13)      :  CAUTI
  8. PSQ 3 b            (14)      :   VAP
  9. PSQ 3 b            (15)      :  CLABSI
  10. PSQ 3 b            (16)      :  SSI
  11. PSQ 3 b            (17)      :  Compliance to hand hygiene
  12. PSQ 3 c            (21)      :  Nurse-patient ratio
  13. PSQ 4 d            (28)      :  Patient fall rate
  14. PSQ 4 d            (29)      :  Near misses
  15. PSQ 3d             (30)      :  Needle stick injuries

Quality indicators for ICU as per 4th edition

  1. CQI :  Re-intubation rate
  2. CQI :  Incidence of communication errors including handovers
  3. CQI :  Incidence of patient identification errors
  4. CQI :  Compliance to medication prescription in capitals
  5. CQI :  Incidence of pressure ulcers
  6. CQI :  ICU utilization rate
  7. CQI :  Critical equipment down time
  8. CQI :  In-patient satisfaction index
  9. CQI :  Time taken for discharge
  10. CQI :  Sentinel events
  11. CQI :  Blood and body fluid exposure

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