WARD Audit Checklist as per 5th edition NABH standards


WARD Audit Checklist as per 5th edition NABH standards

Quick list

• Initial assessment & reassessment

• Care plan

• Nursing care according to current standard of Practice

• CPR- Assigned Roles and Responsibilities

• Documentation of hand-over

• Safe transfer of patients

• Pain management

• Nutritional assessment

• Blood transfusion

• Vulnerable patients

• Patients' rights displayed- right to respect for values and belief

• Patient feedback

• Medical gas

• Equipment / furniture maintenance

• Medication reconciliations

• Monitoring of patients after medication administration

• Appropriate and adequate equipment

• Admission process

• Planned discharges

• Discharge & discharge Summary

• Early warning signs

• Case records — documentation

• Referrals

• Physician's sample drugs

• Medication orders

• Medication management

• Narcotics

• Restraint policy

• Hazmat

• Fire safety

• BMW • Infection control

• Hand hygiene


• Pressure ulcers

• Patient Experience

AAC 4 a-i

• • • • • •

Predefined initial assessment

Time frame for doing and documenting initial assessment Initial assessment to include screening for nutritional needs Initial Nursing Assessment

Plan of care includes desired outcomes

Plan of care countersigned by clinician in charge within 24 hours


AAC 5 a, c, d, e

Reassessment — frequency of reassessment, documentation, response to treatment, plan for further treatment or discharge


Monitoring of plan of care, modification where found necessary

AAC 5 f

Identifies early warning signs.(MEWS)


Staff training

AAC 12 a-i

Qualified individual identified as responsible for the patient's care


Multidisciplinary care & co-ordination among various depts. / staff / shifts


Structured handing / taking over by doctors & nurses, and documentation


Transfer of patients between departments/units. Referrals


Adequate clinical intervention in response to a critical alert

AAC 13 a-e

Discharge planning (atleast 24 hrs in advance) in consultation with patient, family, coordinating with various depts.., including MLCs


Summary given to all including LAMA and discharge on request


Defines time taken for discharge; monitors delay

AAC 14 a-g

Content of discharge summary. Receipt acknowledged

COP 1 a, d

Uniform care; evidence based medicine & clinical practice guidelines

COP 5 a, b e

CPR — Policy and procedure, staff trained in CPR, Documentation of events
during CPR, Communication of CAPA measures, assigned roles and responsibilities are complied with.

COP 6 a-g

Documented policies and procedures for Nursing Services


Assignment of patient care as per current standard of practice


Nursing care is aligned and integrated with overall patient care


Nursing Plan of Care documented in the patient record


Provision of adequate equipment


Empowerment for nursing related decisions

COP 7 a-g

Documented procedures of various clinical procedures


Qualifications of the personnel, who are performing procedures


Prevention of adverse events - wrong site, patient and procedure


Informed consent taken by the doctor performing the procedure


Adherence to standard precautions and asepsis


Monitoring of patients during and after the procedure


Documentation of the procedures accurately in the patient record

COP 8 b, d, g.

Scope of transfusion services


Rational use of blood and blood products; transfusion


Informed consent


Monitoring transfusion reactions; post transfusion forms


Staff awareness on above policies


Quality Assurance Programme

COP 14 a-d


Care of patients undergoing surgeries — policies & procedures, preop

assessment, provisional diagnosis prior to surgery, informed consent,

procedures to prevent adverse events, post op care plan documented,

Surgical Safety Checklist

COP 16

Care of vulnerable patients


Pressure ulcer




Policies & procedures on the care of patients under restraints


Documentation of reasons for restraints; monitoring and frequency


Staff awareness on control and restraint techniques; monitoring

COP 17 a-e

Policies & procedures on pain management


Pain screening; pain assessment and periodic re-assessment


Pain alleviation methods initiated and monitored for response


Education of patient and/or family on pain management techniques

COP 19 a-f

Nutritional assessment and reassessment


Written Order for diet; food as per patient's clinical needs


Planning of nutritional therapy


Patient and/or family's education on the patient's diet limitations


Food is stored and distributed safely


Mechanism for physician's sample

MOM 3 c, b-g

Medication storage, inventory, expiry dates, storage conditions, emergency

crash carts, LASA, high risk medications

MOM 4 a-i

Prescription of medicines (CAPITAL letters)


Medication orders


High risk medications defined


Verbal orders

MOM 4 C & h

Previous ADRs


Drug reconciliation


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