How to do ABC analysis (hospital Pharmacy) in excel in 8 easy steps as per 5th edition NABH MOM 3b


ABC Analysis of Hospital Pharmacy


Due to complex medicine, system there is need to planning, designing, organizing, and maintaining the pharmacy in such a manner that result in efficient management of the pharmacy, which directly affect the better clinical care.

In medical logistic management two important factor are

  1. Cost
  2. The criticality of the item

So among the various selective inventory control technique most suitable for the hospital pharmacy are always better control (ABC) analysis and vital essential and desirable (VED) analysis or combination of ABC and VED analysis.

ABC analysis is method used to classifying items according to annual value in monetary terms while VED analysis takes care of the criticality factor of Drugs and consumables.


Under ABC analysis medicine inventory are classified into category

A (High usage value)

B (Moderate usage value)

C (Low usage value)

Under VED analysis medicine inventory are classified into category

Vital (critical for life and patient care)

Essential (Critical but alternative acceptable)

Desirable (Low critical value)  


How to do ABC analysis (Pharmacy) in excel in 8 easy steps?

Step 1             :           Make a list of total medicine and consumables see Fig.1

 Step 2             :           In next column enter “unit cost of the item see Fig 2


Step 3             :           In next column enter “ Yearly consumption” see Fig 3

Step4             :           Multiply (unit cost* Yearly consumption) see Fig 4


Step 5             :           select the whole table, go the Data tab, and arrange the total                                               value column from largest to smallest

Step 6             :           calculate “Cumulative figure”

                        1 row= 1st row

                        2nd row= 1st row + 2nd row

                        3rd Row= 2nd row+ 3rd Row   See fig 6 A  & 6 B

Step 7             :           Calculate “Cumulative %”

                                    Cumulative figure/sum total of total value*100 see fig 7a

                                    Note: add $ sign for fixed sum total value “Cell” see fig. 7b

Step 8            :           Categorization into ABC

From cumulative % column drag upto 70% this is A category enter in next column see fig 8 A

From cumulative % column drag from 71% to 90% this is B category enter in next column see fig 8 B

From cumulative % column drag from 91% to 100% this is B category enter in next column see fig 8 C

Matrix for ABC analysis item wise % and cost wise %

also refer post :👇
1.    VED analysis


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