Disaster management plan /checklist for hospital as per NABH



Disaster management checklist for hospital


1                Disaster plan to be prepare incorporated with emergency codes

2                Disaster management team shall be identified with designated person who will take charge In case of mass casualty with mobile number.

3                List of people (doctors, nurses and support staff) shall be prepared who will be called in case of mass casualty from different department. 

4                Defined role and responsibility of each staff during mass casualty handling.

5                Triage area shall be designated and Identified places that can be quickly converted to accommodate victims of external disaster. 

6                Defined process of triaging and place for each category of triage with colour codes.

7                Manage visitors and control the movements of individuals and vechiles.

8                Defined areas for reception and treatment for casualties and temporily psace for  keeping dead bodies.

9                Reloacte/discharge admitted patients wherever needed.

10            Quantity of resources i.e., medical supplies, consumables, equipments, materials, man power, transport facility etc. should be edquate and to be cross checked with expected workload.

11            Availability of ambulances for shifting of patients and with proper communication system.

12            Identified places (internally and externally) where patients will be shifted/referred after managing emergency care

13            telephone numbers of other agencies and hospitals from whom help will be requested for augmenting resources shall be documented in disaster management plan.

14            Identified place for handling people other than patients, such as media, relatives, officials etc. 

15            Helpline numbers with identified person to respond to queries 

16            Plan for handling internal and external communication 

17            Plan and arrangement for quick record keeping.

18            Standard treatment protocol for managing various types of emergency situations. 

19            Training of staff and mock-drills of handling mass casualties shall be conducted from time to time

20            Post-event analysis (after mock-drill and after actual mass casualty situation, if any) shall be done for making necessary improvements in the plan


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