What is Occupational Health?

It promotes highest degree of physical, mental and social well being of workers in all occupations and represent equilibrium between workers and occupational environment.

What is Hazard

Something that can cause harm if not controlled.

What is Occupational Hazard

“Occupational Hazard” is any workplace conditions that causes a risk to employee health. A hazard experienced in Workplace is call Occupational Hazard.

Occupational Hazard = Risk accepted as consequence of occupation that harm workers.

What is Occupational Health and safety

Occupational Health and safety control's the aspects of work that involve any degree of risk or danger that may cause injury or harm.

The process, which eliminates such elements to ensure employee safety & health, is called Occupational health and safety.

It enabling an individual to undertake their occupation in the way that causes least harm to their health.

What is Risk

Risk is a combination of the likelihood of an occurrence of a hazardous event and the severity of injury or damage to the health of people, property, and environment.
In mathematical term, risk can be calculated by the equation – 
Risk = Likelihood x Severity.

Types of Occupational Hazard

  1. Physical Hazard
  2. Chemical Hazard
  3. Biological Hazard
  4. Psychological Hazard
  5. Ergonomics

Physical Hazard

1.       Heat

2.       Electrical

3.       Fire

4.       Machinery

5.      Penetration

6.      Radiation Hazard

    7.   Work place violence    

Chemical Hazard

  1. Toxic Substance
  2. Solvents like Acid, alkali, spirit
  3. Corrosive agents
  4. Irritants
  5. Carcinogens
  6. LPG gas, Argon gas

Biological Hazard

  1. Microorganism
  2. Pathogens : water borne, Air borne
  3. Pest
  4. Dog, snakes, rats

Ergonomics Hazard

  1. Physical

a.       Putting down

b.       Pulling

c.       Lifting

d.       Pushing

e.       Carrying

f.        Moving

g.       Bending

h.       Twisting

i.         Awkward position

2.      Psychological

a.      Poor scheduling of shift
b.      Overtime work
c.       Circadiadian rhythm disturbance ( stress due to Disturbances in sleep patterns due to night shift)
d.      Insufficient recovery time between shift
e.    Burn-out syndrome (Work demand to high not successfully managed)

Occupational Hazard in Hospital

  1. Needle stick injury
  2. Blood/body fluid exposure
  3. Microorganism
  4. Chemotherapeutic exposure
  5. Radioactive exposure
  6. Noise  exposure(decibel>100)
  7. Electrical safety
  8. Wet floor slipping

How to prevent, mitigate, prepare, respond and recover from different types of above mention Occupational hazards?

Answer : “HIRA”

What is HIRA (Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment?)

A HIRA is Risk assessment tool that can be used to assess which hazard pose the greatest risk in term of how likely they occur and how great their potential impact may be.

Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA): Hazards identification एक process है या कह सकते हैं एक documentation work है,जिसके माध्यम से हम कार्य स्थल पर Hazards को identify करते हैं,risk को evaluate (मूल्याँकन) करते हैं और suitable (उपयोगी) control measure को apply करते हैं जिससे hazards से जो होने वाला नुकसान के risk को कम किया जाता है.

What is Purpose of HIRA?

¡   HIRA के द्वारा हम उन factor को पता करते हैं जो work place पर होने वाले नुकसान का कारण बन सकता है

¡  HIRA के माध्यम से हम यह पता करते हैं कि जो कार्य होने जा रहा है उसमे संभावित खतरे क्या हैं?और उससे निपटने के लिए additional control measure क्या दे सकते हैं.इस बारे में suggestion देते हैं


1.   Hazard Identification - In this step, the hazards are identified and separated from those hazard that cannot have impact to community. This requires a review of all hazards and their causes to determine whether they may be a threat to your community.

2.    Risk Assessment - In this step the level of risk for each hazard is examined and discussed with hazard experts. Evaluating the past occurrences and possible scenarios. The likelihood of the hazard occurring and the potential impacts of the hazard on people, property, the environment, business and finance and critical infrastructure should be examined.

3.     Risk Analysis - The information collected in the risk assessment step will be analysed in this step. The desired outcome of the risk analysis is the ranking of the hazards according to which priority is set in emergency management program.

4.     Control and Review - Hazards and their associated risks must be monitor and reviewed.



  1.  Select the department in which HIRA assessment has to be conduct.
  2. Note down the each of the activities in that department.
  3. Risk assessment to be done of each activities on the basis of severity & probability.


Work place पर जब hazards को identify करते हैं उसका Risk assessment करते हैं.मतलब यह कि जो Hazards मिला है उसमे risk क्या है और उस risk का level क्या है.Risk Matrix  कि सहायता से यह पता करते हैं.

Chart for (Risk assessment of Probability)

 Chart for (Risk assessment of Severity)

How to do Risk calculation

If severity and probability is low then risk level is also low and if severity and probability both are high then risk level is very high.

Moreover, if either probability or severity is low then risk level is low.

If severity 5 and probability 3 then according to formula

Risk =Severity x Probability

Risk =5 x 3

Risk =15

Then Risk level is  high

So after observation of Hazard we can easily identify the risk level and take control measure to reduce risk level.


जब Risk assessment कर लेते हैं तो उसमें जितने भी Hazards को identify किया है उसके लिए कौन से control measure apply करने हैं,यह पता करते हैं , जिससे कि work place पर कार्य के दौरान risk के level को कम किया जा सकेA
Controls are required to be separated into preventive and recovery. Controls are required to be categorized using the hierarchy of controls (eliminate, substitute, isolate, engineering, administrative, and PPE). This allows the review of controls to ensure the principle of inherently safer working conditions is being applied.

Record the Finding

अब तक जितने भी record  find किए हैं उसको format के माध्यम से लिख लेते हैं या कहीं note कर लेते हैं जिससे कि ज़रूरत पड़ने पर पुनः उसे आसानी से समझ सके और control measure को apply कर सकें.

Potential Mitigation Actions Worksheet

Implementation and Review

इसके बाद जो हमने Hazards को identify कर के plan बनाया और उनके control measure पता करने के बाद उसे work site पर implementation करना होता है और उसका review करना होता है कि क्या जो implementation किया है क्या वह पूरी तरह तरह से plan के according है या नहीं.

Hazards and risks may change over time so it is important to review your HIRA annually.

Date of Current HIRA:_________________

Date of Next Revision:_________________


Training PPT of Occupational health and safety : Download


  1. Good morning
    Very nice article.
    Some suggestions
    Type of hazards 4 th one is psychological ( spelling mistake )
    Burnout syndrome is missed . Work place violence is also missed. Circadiadian rhythm disturbance is missed. Radiation hazard is missed

  2. Thanks for your valuable feedback, will definitely work on that


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